Thursday, March 21, 2013


For the past few months anyone I talked to would ask me, "Are you watching Downton Abbey?" to which I would answer "no" followed by a jaw-dropping reply, "you have to!" So this past week in a marathon viewing I finished seasons 1,2 and 3. One thing I noticed over and over is the amount of running up and downstairs (mainly by the servants). This got me thinking, what a great place to create a visual impact, stair risers. Here are some fantastic ways to make the vertical climb more picturesque.

Work a pattern with mosaic tiles or decorative wallpaper
Be bold with paint choices or painting techniques such as fading
Be original with chalk paint and inspiring words
When making the stairs the focal point of the space, its nice to have the background clean and simple, thing blank canvas and white
For the full story about where and how-to visit RealSimple

1 comment:

  1. Do the puppies come on the stairs, or do I have to get one myself?
