Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Treasure Hunting

A few weeks ago, SMMS Design joined Catskill Coydog Vintage in hunting for treasure. It was the first time, for the SM in SMMS, to hunt for vintage pieces for the Brooklyn Flea. CCV is pulling together some fantastic pieces for their growing clientele. Lessons learned:

1) there's a lot of stuff on display so give everything a second look
2) consider the piece in context, most treasures are sitting amongst a whole lot of furniture so try and single it out away from the clutter
3) not everything is as it seems, think about repurposing the item into a new function
4) bring a friend, this way you have another perspective and more ideas, plus you'll need help getting that treasure chest back home

LIKE Catskill Coydog Vintage on Facebook to see all their new treasures.
Even better, if you're in Brooklyn stop by their booth to get some booty!

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