Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Which came first, the Lil' Chick or the Bee?

Our friends at Lil' Chick are ever exploring new ventures. The most recent of which is bees. Lil' Chick has put out a fantastic all natural and hand-made chapstick, available at Lil'Chick's Etsy shop, perfect for the cold months ahead. Following in the bee theme, Lil' Chick asked us to create a new label for future plans of creating their own honey. We were buzzing with excitement to continue developing their brand.

The evolution of Lil' Chick has reached into many divergent services and products. Its important to support the continuity of identity. SMMS realized this early in the process and built-in elements within the design to manipulate as Lil' Chick changes and grows.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Culture in the City

So how did you spend your summer? You may have noticed that SMMS took a summer break and filled our days with sun, surf, beach and the Brooklyn Flea. We also managed to get in a bit of culture and art. Here are some of our favorite picks of amazing art and design, so go check them out before they're gone.

MoMA: Applied Design till January 20, 2014
"There are still people who think that design is just about making things, people, and places pretty. In truth, design has spread to almost every facet of human activity, from science and education to politics and policymaking, for a simple reason: one of design’s most fundamental tasks is to help people respond to change."
 Guggenheim: James Turrell till Sept 25, 2013
"James Turrell’s first exhibition in a New York museum since 1980 focuses on the artist’s groundbreaking explorations of perception, light, color, and space, with a special focus on the role of site specificity in his practice. At its core is Aten Reign (2013), a major new project that recasts the Guggenheim rotunda as an enormous volume filled with shifting artificial and natural light."