Saturday, April 27, 2013

Will the real Banksy please stand up?

For those of you unfamiliar with the street artist, Banksy, don't worry because no one is. "He's" an unknown artist with gorilla-style graffiti all over the world, though the majority of his work can be seen stenciled on random walls in Bristol (his home town) and London. Banksy's art is controversial because of its political commentary and some government authorities consider it public vandalism, so if you catch a piece today it may be gone tomorrow.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Starck Appeal

Recently, at the Brooklyn Flea, Coydog Vintage made a big sale to an iconic designer. Before we introduce the legend of design, let's talk about the fantastic piece that was sold. Coydog Vintage restored an old piece to its original glory and went above and beyond to put their trademark creative twist on it.

Cyprus wood with a tough oil finish, matching industrial carts from Amsterdam, New York's old industrial town
These carts were purchased by legendary designer Philippe Starck! Yes my jaw dropped too when I heard the amazing news. Starck is one of my favorite designers and I make a point of visiting Interiors he's designed on my travels, one of my favorites is the St. Martins Lane Hotel London. Starck is known for well-designed products with a twist of whimsy, its no wonder he was attracted to the carts.

Watch Starck's TED talk and I think he'll become your favorite Designer if not favorite person. Enjoy!