Friday, March 30, 2012

Architectural Digest Home Show

NYC’s Pier 94 played host to the 2012 Architectural Digest Home Design Show that ended its run on March 25th.  The design themes bordered mainly on kitchen and bath aesthetics as well intricately compiled furniture and handcrafted collectibles. It was a wonderland of infinitely conceptualized ideas brilliantly brought to life  with the help of an imposing background and a lively crowd.

click here to read Architectural Digest's Review
Finnish textile, decor, and apparel brand Marimekko created an installation for the DIFFA (Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS) DINING BY DESIGN event in New York. The event unites talent from the realms of fashion, interior design, art, and architecture to create impressive dining environments.

Save a seat for Alice, the Mad Hatter & March Hare
Fittingly titled Color Therapy, Marimekko's tablescape exhibition showcases the exuberant colors and mesmerizing patterns the design house is known for. Inspired by the way bold colors and patterns can seamlessly fit into the everyday lives of people, the Marimekko team used fabric patchwork techniques to pack in a dizzying assortment of beautiful textiles.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shooting a Woodstock Artist's Work

If you've ever tried to photograph a flat surface you know about its challenges. SMMS was hired by a local Woodstock artist to catalog his body of work for his website. Here are techniques we used to overcome some typical problems. We used a professional set up, placing the camera a couple steps away from the surface and setting the camera to the highest resolution. In editing we cropped the images removing the typical wonky lens pincushion or barrel distortion effect. The portfolio was captured beautifully and true to the original art.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Our success at the Brooklyn Flea this weekend was marvelous.  We'll be back at it again the last weekend of March, or the beginning of April.  April is when the venue changes to The Fort Greene flagship location on Saturdays, a 40,000-square-foot schoolyard at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School and the East River Waterfront Location on Sundays, located between North 6th and North 7th Streets just south of East River State Park.
They gave us a nice write up as well:
click here to read it!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Once upon a time...

... their was a Creative Consultancy and a talented Writer. One day they decided to pool their skills together and create something truly wonderful and original, customized storybooks for children! Our longtime friend, journalist Beatriz, an amazing writer we're excited to be working with to design and create one-of-a-kind stories for children. Its a cross between capturing a child's unique personality and bringing to life all those snapshots parents take of their child. We put all of that together into a literary/photographic/illustrated, beautifully well-designed package that will last more than one life time.

A few pages from "Melon: a true-ish story of the Mahlia"
A few pages from "The Adventues of... Super Benny"